Relationships can be difficult.

We're here to help.

Whenever you’re ready, we’re available. 24/7/365.

(888) 774-2900 or click below.

What to Expect

Safe Connect is a team of friendly advocates ready to listen and support during relationship challenges and connect you to resources.

We will always follow your lead. As certified domestic violence counselors, Safe Connect Advocacy Coordinators recognize that you are the expert of your own life. While we will ask questions, you don’t
have to answer more than you’re comfortable sharing. We want to understand your wants,
needs, and worries so that we can connect you to one of CCADV’s 18 domestic
violence member organizations who will offer you relevant services and resources.

Is it Domestic

It’s hard to understand why the people we love can hurt us. Learn how to know if it’s abuse.

Confidentiality + Safe Connect

Learn about how Safe Connect protects your information and get answers to frequently asked questions.

Make a

Understanding your options can help you process what’s going on and increase your safety.


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Ask us Anything.

People who experience domestic violence often say they feel completely isolated. Please know you’re not alone.

CT Safe Connect is more than a hotline staffed by trained professionals who care about you and your experiences. We’re a trusted resource during challenging times, ready to listen, support, and get you connected to your local CCADV member organization for services and resources.


There is community support available.